West Louisville Soccer

“Our Lives are defined by opportunities”  F. Scott Fitzgerald

Soccer is the world’s most popular sport, played at high levels in wealthy and poor countries alike.  So, WHY aren’t kids playing soccer in West Louisville?  The answer, like the question, is equally simple – because there is no opportunity to do so.  We are changing that.

     Participation in team sports requires that young people embrace the concepts of accountability, trust, and discipline while also learning how to deal with adversity and to resolve conflicts in a healthy fashion.  Learning these skills will allow them to access opportunities for success on the soccer fields, in the classroom and beyond.   Participation in competitive team sports can even open doors to college scholarship opportunities.  These are the reasons that Circuit Court Judge Brian Edwards, former professional soccer player George Davis IV, and community organizer/leader Marcus Harris started the West Louisville Soccer Club.  To make available to children in West Louisville the same opportunities for success that all children should have.

     The West Louisville Soccer Initiative is a non-profit organization dedicated to giving children in West Louisville the opportunity to access the game of soccer at both a recreational and a competitive level.  Access means that children will not be deprived of the opportunity to play soccer due to financial and geographical impediments.  We will train and play in the neighborhoods where our children live and no children will be denied the opportunity to participate because they cannot afford to.  More importantly, West Louisville Soccer is dedicated to providing children the opportunity to develop the discipline, accountability, and conflict resolution skills that will make them better people.  West Louisville Soccer will teach the game of soccer, will monitor participants’ grades and conduct in school and will provide them with mentoring.  It is West Louisville Soccer’s mission that our boys and girls understand that wearing the West Louisville Soccer shirt means that they are not only good soccer players but good citizens of our community.  West Louisville Soccer is committed to providing boys and girls with an opportunity that can positively change the trajectory of their lives.  

     There are over 15 competitive youth soccer clubs in Metro Louisville with countless more recreational level clubs.  Thousands of boys and girls play in these clubs making up the overwhelming majority of roster spots at our community’s top high schools.  The kids who play for these clubs and high schools are the kids who have the opportunity to earn college scholarships to play soccer and more importantly, to earn a college education.  None of these clubs are located in West Louisville.  

     That means the opportunity to learn the values and lessons that come from participating in soccer is lost on a group of kids simply because they live in a different part of town. 
     In order to continue our mission, we need your help.  The West Louisville Soccer Initiative is a non-profit in the purest sense – we will not charge participating families the exorbitant fees for participation that prevent kids from playing at other clubs.  But in order to do so, we need help from our community friends This is your opportunity to make a difference.